His Dark Materials HBO Series

Hi everyone! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I’m here today to gush about the show His Dark Materials on HBO based on the book series by Philip Pullman.

I recently finished the show the other week when they aired the last episode and it has me begging for the second season already!

This show and book series is about a girl named Lyra who was orphaned and dropped off at Jordan College to be raised and kept safe from the authority in her world the Magisterium. In her world instead of your soul being inside you theirs walks beside them and can transform into different animals until they hit puberty. Thats when they settle into one form of animal and still stay by their side. It fast forwards to when Lyra is 11 years old and her friend Roger is taken and is planned to be used in an aweful expierment that can kill children. She goes on a quest to save him and meets some interesting friends along the way while learning aweful truths about the expierments and what she thought she knew about her family.

I remember watching the movie a few years back and loved it and then I heard later last year that they were making a show and airing it soon. I signed up for HBO so fast I did not want to miss it. I have yet to read the series though but it is on the top of my list to read this year because I must know what happens next with how things ended with the first season.

If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend that you do!

Continuing on I’m going to be talking about spoilers so if you haven’t read or seen the show I would advise not to read below.





Here comes the rambling…

Alright now can we talk about poor Roger! My sweet baby boy got his Daemon taken away! And I know they were insinuating that Roger is dead but I refuse to believe it! He’s coming back and we are going to get his Daemon back too I just have to believe.

And when Lord Asriel betrayed Lyra and took Roger like that I was FURIOUS!!!

Also can I just say I need Will and Lyra to meet while crossing worlds like they have to right? They are crossing at the same time and I know they probably won’t meet yet but gosh I know they need one another to fix all the mess these adults are causing.

Speaking of adults her mom freaks me out. The way she thinks, the way she treats her own Daemon and the way she manipulates everything. She is one scary woman! I’m glad Lyra is away from her.

I do want Lyra protected though so I hope Lee can somehow know where she is going and follow her into the other world because I just know some ish is about to go down.

So much is going on and I can’t to see what happens! I need to read the book series because that second season probly isn’t comin out until October of this year and that is soooo long!

Thank you for reading my rambles and letting me vent about this series. If anyone has also watched the series I am here so please feel free to talk to me about it!

Thank you all again and I will catch you all in my next post!


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