April Haul Part #1

So I’m quarantined, bored, I just got my stimulus check, and my unemployment pay is looking good. What do I do? Flip through my phone and impulsively buy everything bookish. I have either already recieved or am still waiting for over 40 books to come in and a few pieces of merch. Am I goingContinue reading “April Haul Part #1”

January BOOK HAUL!

So…. this month I went slightly crazy with buying books (I’m trying to stop and be good now), but with Christmas money, overtime and holiday hours at work, and tax returns coming in, I said why not! It could be something worse, I guess. It could be drugs, books are better than drugs (and ifContinue reading “January BOOK HAUL!”

Review by Kinzie: Havenfall (Finally!)

5☆☆☆☆☆ Good morning lovely people! If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you may know that I was trying for MONTHS to get my hands on an ARC of Havenfall by Sara Holland. It finally happened! It arrived to me right before Christmas and I held off on it until the holidays wereContinue reading “Review by Kinzie: Havenfall (Finally!)”


So I’m down to the final 4 day stretch to finish my Goodreads reading challenge. I’ve been very proud how I’ve gone through books this year and I’m excited for the releases for next year. I only need 1 more book to complete my 75 book challenge for 2019 and what happens? Book slump. ForContinue reading “Why?!”

Review by Kinzie: Havenfall Excerpt

Everyone! Stop what you’re doing and put this book on your TBR list! Sara Holland is the author of the YA duology Everless, which was amazing by the way (I’ll review that soon!). NetGalley had gifted me a free excerpt from her new book Havenfall and it did not disappoint! I am desperately searching forContinue reading “Review by Kinzie: Havenfall Excerpt”

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