April Haul Part #2

Last time on April Haul: 25 books, both special editions and some finished copies, and a whole bunch of merch. Today: the rest. Quarantine is bringing out my worst habits, shopping being one of my worst, so logically I have to show off my precious treasures. I definitely have to show off my treasures that’llContinue reading “April Haul Part #2”

April Haul Part #1

So I’m quarantined, bored, I just got my stimulus check, and my unemployment pay is looking good. What do I do? Flip through my phone and impulsively buy everything bookish. I have either already recieved or am still waiting for over 40 books to come in and a few pieces of merch. Am I goingContinue reading “April Haul Part #1”

Illumicrate Nevernight & Godsgrave

They’re FINALLY here! As a lot of people know, UK hardcovers of the Nevernight trilogy are fairly hard to come by. Illumicrate teamed up with Jay Kristoff to create exclusive hardcover reprints of both Nevernight & Godsgrave. The reprints are signed, have specially designed endpapers, and have black sprayed edges to match their edition ofContinue reading “Illumicrate Nevernight & Godsgrave”

January BOOK HAUL!

So…. this month I went slightly crazy with buying books (I’m trying to stop and be good now), but with Christmas money, overtime and holiday hours at work, and tax returns coming in, I said why not! It could be something worse, I guess. It could be drugs, books are better than drugs (and ifContinue reading “January BOOK HAUL!”

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff: Review by Kelsey

Goodreads Synopsis – In a land where three suns almost never set, a fledgling killer joins a school of assassins, seeking vengeance against the powers who destroyed her family. Daughter of an executed traitor, Mia Corvere is barely able to escape her father’s failed rebellion with her life. Alone and friendless, she hides in aContinue reading “Nevernight by Jay Kristoff: Review by Kelsey”

WWW Wednesday – December 18

Hi everyone! 😊 I’m super late posting today totally lost track of time. But real quick wanted to hop on and do WWW Wednesday! This is hosted by Taking on a World of Words where we share the 3 Ws with each other every week. What are you currently reading? What did you recently finishContinue reading “WWW Wednesday – December 18”

Nevernight Web Series

Hi everyone! 😊 Hope it’s been a great Thursday for you all. I just wanted to hop on and spread the word for this AMAZING Nevernight Web Series by Piera Forde and Crew. They posted 3 episodes on YouTube. These episodes are roughly the first 120 pages in the first book so if you haven’tContinue reading “Nevernight Web Series”

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